welcome to the world’s highest resolution film scanning service

HIGH-END-SCANS offers highest qualitiy film-digitization
including drum scans and reprographic HXY scans as a highly modular service.
Who uses High-End-Scans’ service?
Cultural Heritage Insitutions
You are a cultural heritage institution (e.g. museum, library or archive) planing to outsource the digitization of your transmissive material collections?
You have come to right place. HXY High-Volume Scans are an affordable option designed for high throughput at very high quality exceeding FADGI 4* specifications. Handling your transmissive material will be strictly manual with the highest priority on the material’s safety.
This service is also available for owners of corporate or private collections and may even be feasable for the digitization of family archives.
Photographers seeking the best possible quality
You are an analog photographer requiring your film to be scanned at the highest possible quality for very large gallery prints or simply for archival digitization?
High-End-Scans is specialized in very large scans and extreme enlargements. You can choose between two digitization technologies: classic high-end drum scans with that special rendering that only a drum scanner can deliver or modern reprographic HXY Scans for even higher technical quality.
My service is also used by fine-art galleries, media agencies and publishing houses.
Photo Labs
You are a photo lab with clients requesting high-quality film scans but it doesn’t make any business sense for you to maintain a high-end film scanner including professional operator on site?
You may want to considerer outsourcings such requests. I take commissioned work and I’m interested in establishing long-term partnerships. You can benefit from the access to state-of-the-art digitization technology and classic drum scans. My modular service enables you to pick up the scans as raw as possible which allows you to take over the post-processing for your clients fully in-house.
Modular Service
Raw Digitization
High-End-Scans offers film-digitization via classic drum scanner or through a modern camera-based reprographic approach. For both methods you can order just raw scans where you basically receive the digitization data as raw as possible.
Basic Correction
If you require your scans to be color corrected including basic grading you can order your scans with the Basic Correction post-processing module.
Master Module
The Master Module includes full color correction and grading under your direction to the final print file of your vision