High-End-Scans is highly specialized in film scanning but also offers reprographic digitization for other transmissive media (e.g. glass plate negatives or ambrotypes) and reflective materials.
Based on a modular approach you are free to choose exactly what steps of processing you require. You can order your scans raw or with basic correction or fully mastered and print-ready files.
As methods of digitization you can choose between reprographic HXY Scans and classic Drum Scans. If you’re unsure on which scanning technology suits your work best, I will gladly recommend the technically best option for you based on your film formats and scan size requirements. In the Tech section I provide more detailed information on the scanners. For visual assessment check out the Samples which are also available for download as high-resolution files.
Who are High-End-Scans clients?
- Photographers
- Galleries
- Photo Labs
- Media Agencies
- Cultural Heritage Institutions (Museums, Libraries, Archives)
- Publishing Houses
- Private Individuals
HXY Scans
Your originals will be digitized by the in-house designed HXY Scanner utilizing a reprographic camera with Phase One IQ4 150MP digital back and high-resolution optics on the HXY copy stand. Visit the Tech section to learn more about the HXY Scanner. HXY Scans are available in a variety of options.
HXY High-Resolution Scans
This is the default option for uncompromised quality film digitization. HXY High-Resolution Scans are available for any film format up to 12×20” or 305 x 508 mm at high resolution up to 14,334 ppi. Your film will be fluid mounted on glass for best possible flatness.
HXY Ultra-High-Resolution Scan
For extreme resolution scanning requirements between 15,000 and up to 53,000 ppi the HXY Scanner utilizes highly optimized high-resolution magnifying optics. The challenges of operating within ultra-thin depth of field requires high-precision alignment and more elaborate quality control to ensure the best possible result over the entire frame. Your film will be fluid-mounted on glass for optimal flatness and highest quality digitization.
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HXY High-Volume Scans
For larger quantity or mass digitization projects HXY High-Volume Scans will get you high-quality scans at an attractive price point. Your film will be mounted in a film carrier. Mounted slides can remain in their mounts.
HXY High-Volume Scans are ideal for uncut rolls of films or entire collections of negatives, slides or photographic glass plates. Contact me with your project details for a quote.
Drum Scans
Your originals will be digitized by an ICG 370HS drum scanner. For drum scanning your originals must be of flexible material and within 31 x 44 cm to be mounted on the ICG scanner drum. For larger or non-flexible originals please consider HXY Scans.
For drum scans your film will be fluid mounted on the scanner drum which helps hiding scratches on the film base.
Scans of 35mm and 120 film will comprise the full frame image including some rebate. Optionally the full piece of film including full borders and sprocket holes can be scanned at request. Drum scans of sheet film will contain the whole sheet unless a crop scan is ordered.
Drum scans maintain a fine balance of high resolution and ultra-smooth tonal transitions.
Visit the Tech section for more information about the ICG 370HS drum scanner.

Information on Fluid-Mounting
The mounting fluid fills in scratches on the film and thereby these scratches will not be visible in the scan. It does not help with scratches that have penetrated the image forming emulsion. The benefit of wet mounting depends on the condition of your film. In some cases it can substantially reduce the amount of retouching required. In other cases you will see not much difference compared to a dry scan.
File Transfer
Scan files will be made available as a secure download. In case you are unable to download large files, the files can be delivered on CD-R/DVD-R or USB storage upon request. Delivery file format is 16 bit/channel TIFF unless the requested scan size exceeds the inherent 4 GB limitation of the TIFF specifications in which case a PSB file (Photoshop Big) will be provided.
Turnaround Time
Typical turnaround time for low-volume scanning is within 3 working days. Please inquire for high-volume projects.
For urgent scans I’m offering Expedited Priority treatment as an additional service.
Test Scan
For evaluating the quality of High-End-Scans on your own film I will gladly make a test scan for you. Up to 80 MP (500 MB at 16 bit/channel) the test scan is free of charge. Larger tests scans are possible for a surcharge.
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to call or email. I’m happy to help.

If you do not order any of the post-processing modules, you will receive raw scan files. Please note that raw scans of negatives have a negative tonality and must be inverted for positive processing, including the correction of the orange mask on color negative films. You will receive a quick guide on a method of how raw film scans can be processed in Photoshop. Yet some basic skills and experience in post processing raw scans is strongly recommended. Otherwise, I would suggest considering the optional Basic Correction Module.

Basic Correction
The Basic Correction module includes manual post processing of the raw data into a natural color corrected and tonally adjusted image or a faithful reproduction of a transparency. Of course, you can also provide other references (e.g. contact sheets) on which the basic correction should be based on.
The full density range of the original will be maintained. The idea behind the Basic Correction module is to deliver a file that serves as an excellent starting point for fine tuning to individual finalization.

Master Module
The Master module includes full color correction and grading under your direction to the final print file of your vision through several iterations. Feel free to contact me to discuss your project.
Additional Service
Film Cleaning
Before mounting the original it will be dusted off by compressed air. This will not clear the film from smudges or particles that are either stuck on the film or embedded into the emulsion. Wet film cleaning is offered upon request in which case your film will be cleaned with film cleaner solution before scanning.
Film Cutting
If single frames have to be cut out of your film strip or the film strip has to be cut in length I can do this for you at a small surcharge. Reasons for film strips to be cut can be the available space on the drum from drum scans or glass plate for fluid mounted HXY scans. You will be contacted if this is necessary or recommended. I will NOT cut your film strips without your consent.
Please note that uncut film strips can be digitized as HXY High Volume Scans.
Slide Mounting
HXY scans can be made from mounted slides as dry scans. Please note that slide mounts tend to crop away a small amount of the far edges of the image area. For uncropped full frame scans the transparencies must be taken out of their mounts. If you send mounted slides that are required to be taken out of their mounts for scanning and then remounted after digitization this service is available for a small fee.
Dust / Scratch Retouching
Your scans will be made as clean and free of dust as possible. However, some amount of dust cannot be avoided. High-End-Scans digitization methods do not feature any automatic dust and scratch removal. Thus, the scans always require some dust retouching before being ready for fine art printing. My optional dust / scratch retouching service is very meticulous. The cost will be calculated by the required retouching time. A cost estimate will be given in advance.
Additional Retouching and Post-Processing
Feel free to make requests about any other retouching requirements for your scans or existing digital files, such as merging content from different images or creating panoramas of large-scale stitches.
Expedited Priority Service
Normal turnaround for low-volume digitization is about 3 working-days after receiving your originals. For urgent scan orders expedited priority service is offered at request. Please call for current availability.
Reflective Material / Flat Art Reproduction
While High-End-Scans is highly specialized in digitizing transmissive material I also take requests for the digitization of reflective material or flat art reproduction. Please send your request including the materials dimensions and whether it’s flexible as well as the target resolution or required file size for the reproduction. I will check the viability of your request.
Object Digitization
In addition to reflective material High-End-Scans can digitize small 3D-objects into two-dimensional image files for printing or archival storage. For full depth of focus focus stacking technique will be utilized. Please send your request including the items’s size as well as the target resolution or required file size for the reproduction.
With more than 15 years of experience in digital imaging I have developed deep technical expert knowledge in the field of film digitization. I take consulting requests on digitization technologies, hardware, optics and specialized techniques.